Friday, March 13, 2009

Workin' 9 to 5

You're singing the song in your head now huh? So it's acutally 8:30- 5:00, but I am working again. I really needed something to occupy my time (as if I didn't already have enough to do), and they cut Jason back to a straight 40 hours at Schlumberger, so off to find a job... and I did. I sent out exactly three resumes, recieved one interview & landed that job. I'm working for Advanced Title as their new Escrow Assistant. I've danced all around the Title end of the housing business but this is my first venture into it. I started on Wednesday and so far I'm liking it. Now that means my mom gets to watch the kids everyday.. she gave up 1 and took on 3... yikes! Jason is working 4-10's though so he gets to be home with them on Fridays which is good for him.. and them. Home on my lunch break... better get back to work!

1 comment:

Heather said...

WOW!!! YOU ARE ONE BUSY WOMAN! thats cool that you like youre job though. talk about freaking amazing that you got one so fast. i guess god laid you off just long enough to find jason :D